This blog is my Public Diary. I will update anything that I think is okay to update. If there is any content(s) in this blog that could hurt anyone feelings, I would like to apologize, it could be coincidence and there is no purpose to hurt anyone feelings.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Moon 26 January 2013

Moon pic that I took several minutes before Maghrib just now. Such incredible creation of God Almighty Allah S.W.T....Sangat indah Subhanallah

Date : 26 January
Time : 19.15 pm
Gadget : Nikon Coolpix L810

P/S : I'm just amateur  :p

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Random Thought

Sometimes when we think of someone we used to know it's not because we still want them in our life, but they used to be in our life. Sometimes we just remember the memories not the person. Either its a good or bad memories it will be always there coz its a part of our life and we can't terminate it no matter how much we are trying too....

What ever bad things happened at the past its not a failure for us, its a preparation for us to face the future and to make us a better person today~

Langkawi Photos Part 2 ~Island Hopping

I really enjoy this part...the best part that I love in my vacation :)