This blog is my Public Diary. I will update anything that I think is okay to update. If there is any content(s) in this blog that could hurt anyone feelings, I would like to apologize, it could be coincidence and there is no purpose to hurt anyone feelings.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ikan keli masak berlada

Lama dah nak masak resepi ni hehehe...

Gambar kat atas tu cuma separuh dari ikan keli jer tau...sebab size ikan keli besaq gedabaq!!

Tak susah pun nak masak resepi ni...jom kita tengok macam mana nak masak resepi ni ya :)


Bahan A

Ikan Keli (opkoz la, ini kan bahan utama :p)
Serbuk kunyit

Bahan B

Cili merah
Cili padi
Bawang Besar
Cili giling/Cili boh
Asam Jawa

Okay first step:

Lumur serbuk kunyit + garam kat ikan keli tu. Peram sekejap dalam 5 - 10 minit.
Lepas tu goreng ikan keli tadi sampai rangup.
Lepas ikan keli siap goreng angkat and letak kan dalam pinggang and letak tepi.

Second step:

Cincang @ blendar cili merah, cili padi & bawang besar. 
Panaskan minyak dalam 2 sudu besar. 
Pastu masukkan bahan yang di blender tadi ke dalam kuali and goreng sampai masak, 
kemudian masukkan cili boh dalam satu sudu kecil ( nak lagi pedas letak la bebanyak :) ).
 Goreng sampai garing pastu masukkan gula and garam secukup rasa (garam tak mau letak banyak2 sbb ikan tadi dah masin dah).
Lepas tu letak air asam jawa, sedikit saja untuk rasa masam yang ala2 kadar.
Dah nampak garing  tutup api and tuang ke atas ikan keli goreng kunyit tadi.

Tadaaaa.....siap dah resepi Ikan Keli Masak Berlada.

Selamat Mencuba :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Strange Love - Karen O

Karen O – Strange Love Lyrics From the soundtrack of “FrankenWeenie Unleashed”

Oh, love, love is strange
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Oh after I know, after it I want this song to love with someone watching over me
Rain or storm, the only á¹—lace I wanna be is close to the heart of everything I even need
The lightening’s not frightening when you are with me
Oh cause love is not always what you think it’ll be
Love, oh love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
The lightening’s not frightening when you are with me
Oh cause love is not always what you think it’ll be
Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there’s beauty on the inside,
The outside there’s nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can’t judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Moon 26 January 2013

Moon pic that I took several minutes before Maghrib just now. Such incredible creation of God Almighty Allah S.W.T....Sangat indah Subhanallah

Date : 26 January
Time : 19.15 pm
Gadget : Nikon Coolpix L810

P/S : I'm just amateur  :p

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Random Thought

Sometimes when we think of someone we used to know it's not because we still want them in our life, but they used to be in our life. Sometimes we just remember the memories not the person. Either its a good or bad memories it will be always there coz its a part of our life and we can't terminate it no matter how much we are trying too....

What ever bad things happened at the past its not a failure for us, its a preparation for us to face the future and to make us a better person today~

Langkawi Photos Part 2 ~Island Hopping

I really enjoy this part...the best part that I love in my vacation :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Working on My Customers Wedding Dresses

Lately I was working on my customer wedding dresses and still working on...
Quite challenging, not on the design but on the fabric...

Pure Silk Chiffon on construct design O__o my god it's a nightmare...
But, the dress is done 1 more to go and lace patch...
Hope my lovely customer gonna love the dress, will ask her for fitting soon and will update some photos of the dresses :)

Chiow for now, Salam :)


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Langkawi Photos 1st Batch

Sorry I'm not a Pro Photographer so all the photos were taken by a amateur which is me :p

It's time to fly ~ Weeee :)

1 of my fav.view while the plane take off :)

 Baru sampai hotel, lepas letak barang semua ready to walk at Cenang Beach and having our first dinner @ Langkawi.

Ps: Muke Penat tapi happy :p

Our Room @ Hotel Bella Vista,Langkawi 


Cenang Beach

Cenang Beach Sunset Time

Big tree @Restaurant Janggus, Langkawi. Like the tree very much that's why I snapped this photo :)

 Our Dinner in da making :)

Our First Dinner :)

Langkawi Cat No.1

Mark the places we will have a visit :)